Friday, October 3, 2008


Well I've been gone awhile, and all I have to say is...teething. My youngest has been going through a nasty teething phase and has been popping teeth as often as House pops vicodin. Her nap schedule was obliterated, she's been waking up much earlier in the morning, taking longer to go to sleep at night, and she's been quite clingy. Needless to say, but I'm saying it anyway, this has left me exhausted at the end of each day. Hardly coherent enough to blog. So, my apologies. Did I mention she bites me now and LAUGHS? The little imp.

Amidst all of this, we are having the house painted. This isn't very good for a nap schedule either. The power washing, the walking all over the roof, the strangers at the front and back doors. Especially the banging of tacks into the house to secure tarps over the windows. At nap time. On the baby's window. I think that was the shortest nap on record.

We're also in the midst of planning her first birthday party, which is in a few weeks. Where has the year gone?

Anyway, here's a couple sites that have helped me laugh when I needed it most:

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Lost in Translation

Asian countries try hard to translate their signage, labels, instructions, etc. into English. Apparently they aren't very good at it. Check out and try not to laugh too hard. Definitely put your drink down first.

Friday, August 29, 2008

I admit it, I'm laughing at the carpool lady

I don't normally laugh at the misfortune of others. Honestly. Today was a different story. OK remember when I mentioned people who park in the carpool lane and then leave their car to get their kids? Well, at my daughter's school, there is a repeat offender. She is either completely oblivious to the fact that she's inconveniencing the entire carpool lane (I'm not buying it, even with someone else's money), or she's as arrogant as the rain is wet. Today she pulled the same thing as usual, parked and got out to get her kid. The bell rang, kids are coming out, cars need to get by her, etc. Well she comes out with her kid and then proceeds to talk with someone for awhile (standing outside the car while everyone is pulling around her). You can't tell me she's oblivious. When she finally gets in her car to drive away, it won't start. *tee hee* I know I'm terrible, but honestly, wouldn't you be giggling, too? As I drove by I could hear her on her cell phone telling someone to come help her. I wonder how long she sat there. I wonder if I'll see her green minivan on Tuesday. I bet I'll still be giggling. *tee hee*

On a different topic, I have a few more things to add to my bucket list.
- drive on the Golden Gate Bridge
- bowl a 300 game
- fly first class
- experience Mardi Gras