Saturday, August 30, 2008

Lost in Translation

Asian countries try hard to translate their signage, labels, instructions, etc. into English. Apparently they aren't very good at it. Check out and try not to laugh too hard. Definitely put your drink down first.

Friday, August 29, 2008

I admit it, I'm laughing at the carpool lady

I don't normally laugh at the misfortune of others. Honestly. Today was a different story. OK remember when I mentioned people who park in the carpool lane and then leave their car to get their kids? Well, at my daughter's school, there is a repeat offender. She is either completely oblivious to the fact that she's inconveniencing the entire carpool lane (I'm not buying it, even with someone else's money), or she's as arrogant as the rain is wet. Today she pulled the same thing as usual, parked and got out to get her kid. The bell rang, kids are coming out, cars need to get by her, etc. Well she comes out with her kid and then proceeds to talk with someone for awhile (standing outside the car while everyone is pulling around her). You can't tell me she's oblivious. When she finally gets in her car to drive away, it won't start. *tee hee* I know I'm terrible, but honestly, wouldn't you be giggling, too? As I drove by I could hear her on her cell phone telling someone to come help her. I wonder how long she sat there. I wonder if I'll see her green minivan on Tuesday. I bet I'll still be giggling. *tee hee*

On a different topic, I have a few more things to add to my bucket list.
- drive on the Golden Gate Bridge
- bowl a 300 game
- fly first class
- experience Mardi Gras

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Ever ponder your mortality?

Sure you have. When we hear that someone has died, we all wonder about when we'll die, under what circumstances, what would happen to the people we leave behind, etc. We also tend to think about all the things in life we haven't done yet, don't we. Our 'bucket list'. Do you have one? I don't, but I figure tonight is as good a night as any to start one.

So in no particular order, here's a few items to start my bucket list:
- places to visit: Hawaii, Europe, Alaska
- see my girls grow up
- become a grandmother (I realize this is completely out of my control)
- eat a chocolate croissant in a Paris cafe
- take a Panama Canal cruise
- learn to scuba dive
- swim with dolphins
- learn to knit/crochet
- learn how to fix my computer when it doesn't work

I'll add more items as they come to me. I have to be honest, a lot of the things I wanted to accomplish in life, I already have. I'm married, have kids, have my college degrees, done some traveling. I don't pine for bigger things, I tend to relish the smaller ones. But a bucket list is for dreams, too, right? I'll keep trying to dream bigger (like the computer fixing, I know it'll never happen, which is why hubby isn't allowed to die first).

Monday, August 25, 2008

No whining from me today

Today we found out that my husband's cousin has cancerous cells that within 5 years will be full out cervical cancer if she does nothing. Add onto that she's planning her wedding (was going to be in February now they've moved it up to November). Now she's always wanted children and her doctor has told her that she needs to have a hysterectomy in the next 2 years, so to go ahead and start trying to a baby in the next few months. Well, P.S. she found out she was pregnant yesterday (no, they weren't trying yet).

OK so you're planning your wedding, oh and by the way you have cancer, AND you're pregnant. Seriously?! I can't even wrap my mind around it all. And she lost her sister a couple years ago to spina bifida and is still reeling from that. How much can a person take?

So, no whining from me today. I'm just going to go to sleep tonight grateful that I am healthy, that I have a wonderful husband and that we have two beautiful children together. I'm incredibly blessed.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Finally, a moment of peace...sort of

My husband is taking a nap. My little one is supposed to be down for the night, but she's awfully busy in her crib at the moment. My oldest is getting ready to hop in the shower. All three were sick in one way or another today. I could burst with joy at the thought of a silent house, one without sneezing, coughing, fevers, whining and the like.

When people are sick, they seem to take on an alternate personality. My littlest one, who is a very happy baby, is usually playful and sweet and cute, was very whiny and at times violent. What is normally a soft pat on my cheek from her, was a slap full of runny nose goo followed by her dragging her nails across my face. My oldest one has mastered the art of acting completely helpless. And her selective hearing is one for the record books. My husband, well, he's pathetic when he's sick, what can I say (Hi honey!). The kids get it from him. ;)

After going upstairs at least 5 times to encourage (read: threaten) my oldest to get her shower done and stop stalling, she is finally done and in bed for the night. So now I sit and listen to the rain that Fay decided to bring this evening.
Over an hour after sitting down to write this, I am finally getting some peace. I can reflect upon... the laundry that didn't get done today, the toys strewn about, the dishes sitting in the sink and a myriad of other tasks that were on the to-do-list. Somehow, I just don't feel that bad about it.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

People make me laugh

Have you ever been in the 'supposed to be moving' carpool lane only to have someone decide to 'park' their car IN the carpool lane and go inside for their child, forcing every other car to navigate around them? This happened to me the other day. Fun, stuff. People like that make me laugh. I have to stop and think to myself "Seriously?"

I was in Wal-Mart tonight (feel for me). I often see people on their cell phones, perhaps checking with their spouse to see if an item is needed, desperate calls from kids telling mommy that there's no more ice cream and could she please bring some home. You've all seen that. I'm sure you've also seen those moms or dads who are trying to carry on a casual conversation while shopping with kids in tow. I feel for those kids, especially if they act up to get attention, only to get in trouble and watch mommy or daddy get back to their phone conversation. I've seen it all, or so I had thought.

Tonight, there was a grandmother pushing TWO carts, with TWO children, one in each cart. She was trying to have a conversation on her cell phone. Seriously. The little boy dropped a small toy on the floor and the grandmother proceeded to yell at him. Now, if you think like me, you are probably saying to yourself, "Gee, Grandma, get off your cell phone and pay attention to the TWO carts and TWO kids you have with you." But, no, she continued to yell as she picked up the toy, threw it in the cart, and then proceeded to turn both carts out of the aisle, all while still talking on her cell phone. Poor kids.

I could go on, but I'll refrain and leave some thoughts for another day.
